Got questions?  So do we.  And together we’re working on the answers, but we haven’t arrived — we’re becoming!  Life and faith are journeys, and you are more than welcome to be a part of the conversation, so we’re glad you’re here.

Imagine…  what would happen if more people understood that church isn’t just a building or set of cool programs, but people on a mission to share love and hope.  In Jesus’ final instructions to his friends, he said this, “a new command I give you:  love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35) There is probably no better measure of a person’s connection to Jesus than seeing how that person loves, so we’re reaching for more of God’s love as we do life together.

Jesus also told us to “go and make disciples of all nations,”  (Matthew 28:19) (Go and Be) so we can’t just keep what he gives for ourselves.  We’re inspired to go… where people are, and instead of inviting them to come to us, we hope to bring the church to them — in our neighborhoods and coffee shops and at work, and especially to the ones at the margins, the hurting, the sick, the poor…  And we hope that if we do better in sharing our resources, we can see God’s kingdom come far beyond our borders, in our own community and even in other nations.

We hope you’ll keep reading and share your thoughts and questions.  Whether you’re interested in what we believe, would like to know more about our meetings, or our connections with other churches and groups, or some of the things we’re doing to serve our community and the world, you’re probably still becoming, too, so join the conversation — you’re welcome here.